Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Thought About Running Celebration As A Business

There is a great misconception about running a business for profit, with no soul, as many fear and running Celebration as a business to insure its financial stability to make sure it doesn't lose its identity and the vision on which it was based. The difference is in those that are running it and to whom they are responsible. At Disney, Michael Eisner was responsible to the shareholders and did go through incredible growth. Some of it was great, some of it was not. Here at home anyone on the CROA board is responsible to the owners, so the goal is different. My thought though is the way to satisfy both is through good business practices, which are fair and will be successful.

It isn't good business practices that made Enron crater, it was the leaders, the greed, manipulation, and not good business. On the other side, look at the Mary Kay Cosmetics company, it is the epitome of good business AND it emphasizes family and good will.

Celebration was developed as an idea and I hear about many of them that have not been brought to life. They can only be brought to life through people in the right places and the funding to allow them to get it done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think, Ron, that the whole point about what happened to Enron is quite clearly expressed in your blog. The difference between our opinions on this is that I really do not care much about what happened to Enron. I care so much about what happened to its employees.

When the governance model becomes so opaque that a board can run the company into the ground and no-one knew anything about what was going on, is a little bit the way I feel about the current CROA board. This board does not show any accountability and it does not even seem to want to answer to its electorate. Better yet, it calls it names in front of cameras.

I am looking for candidates that will govern, rather than manage. I am looking for a candidate who will focus on the people, rather than the investment. If you do the first right, the other one will come easy.

.. just wanted to let you know that I read your post and I do consider all my options.